Here's a Look at Some of the Bonus Material!
Singing High Notes Doesn't Have to be Hard.
Learn how to seamlessly transition from one register of your voice to another. Blend them together to unify your chest and head voice sound.

Jeff Rolka’s brilliant High Note Boot Camp is a series of carefully graded exercises that will extend your range whatever your voice type. Each of the fifty lessons concentrate on gearing your technique in a controlled manner using all the vowels.
I highly recommend the course for those who wish to sing seamlessly from chest-voice to head-voice. It has five stars from me.
Boyd G

There's a Growing Community of Singers
That are self-starting go-getters. With the wealth of resources available today, sometimes you just need a few tips and tricks to get over a rough phrase or riff. Jeff's online community is just the place. Post videos, ask questions, and get answers. Moderated and facilitated by Jeff.
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