Jeff Rolka in his Studio.
Jeff started his YouTube channel eight years ago, and has helped hundreds of thousands of people to sing better and take great care of their voices. His innovative approach means that his students are able to release their true potential and understand their voices from the inside out. Jeff’s belief is that knowledge is power and he focuses on ensuring that everyone who studies with him is given the information and support they need to sound fantastic. Along with his Patreon page, Jeff provides a variety of learning tools for different learning styles.
My Story
I have a long history of involvement in the arts and especially music. A graduate of the University of Michigan, I spend my time teaching vocalists in person and online.
My mission is to educate and empower singers the world over, help people discover how good they can sound, and enable others to learn how to sing in a sustainable, healthy way so that they can enjoy their voices for life.

Want to Hear Jeff?
Jeff has recorded several albums, a few EPs, and a handful of singles to date. If you want a listen, check out Hold the Line (Reprise).
Listen to The AtlanticeanGet Started Today

Lessons are the fastest way to get the help that you need. Whether it's working on your songs or working through your break, Jeff can help.

High Note Bootcamp
My signature high note singing method. Developed from teaching dozens of vocalists, start today! Step-by-step exercises for high notes.

Try My Free Method.
Fundamentals are the bedrock of any method or technique. My method focuses on three aspects of singing to help instantly. Alignment, Airflow, and Articulation.
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